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Are you struggling with joint pain? Dr. Darshan's latest research uncovers a surprising cause that most people miss. Curious? Click on the skeleton to explore more details!

Check the skeleton areas Arrow Right Arrow Down
Joint Pain Areas Shoulder Shoulder Shoulder Shoulder Shoulder Elbow Elbow Elbow Hip Hip Hip Thigh Thigh Thigh Knee Knee Knee Foot & Ankle Foot & Ankle Foot & Ankle Foot & Ankle Foot & Ankle Foot & Ankle Foot & Ankle Foot & Ankle Leg Leg Leg Leg Hand and Wrist Hand and Wrist Hand and Wrist Hand and Wrist Hand and Wrist Forearm Forearm Forearm Forearm Forearm Spine Spine Spine Spine Arm Arm Arm Arm Neck Neck Neck Neck